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IPBES Releases landmark invasive alien species assessment report

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

@ Photo credit IPBES

Today, exotic species are being introduced by man at an unprecedented rate in all regions and biomes of the world. With 200 new exotic species recorded every year, more than 37,000 exotic species have been introduced by human activities, and of these, more than 3,500 are harmful invasive alien species (IAS). In addition to threatening biodiversity and ecosystems, their global economic cost exceeded $423 billion per year in 2019, and is set to continue rising if no action is taken.

After 4 years of study, 86 experts from 49 countries mobilized and 13,000 references scrutinized, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has published a major report on IAS, including :

  • assessment of the diversity of invasive alien species affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services,

  • analysis of the extent of the threat posed by these species to the various components of biodiversity and ecosystem services, including impacts on food and health security,

  • identifying the main drivers and pathways of introduction and spread of these species, both between and within countries,

  • highlighting the global status and trends of the impacts of the phenomenon, and the management measures taken by region and sub-region,

  • assessing the effectiveness of these measures and the associated policy options that could be adopted to prevent, eradicate and control the spread of invasive alien species.

Franck Courchamp, one of the report's authors, emphasizes the serious economic and environmental impacts of these biological invasions, and calls for urgent action to preserve ecosystems.

While 80% of countries have targets linked to IAS management in their national biodiversity plans, only 17% have national laws or regulations dealing specifically with these issues, and 45% are not investing in the management of biological In the summary of its report published on September 4 and dedicated to decision-makers, IPBES provides the best available data, analyses and management options concerning IAS and their control. It presents the main avenues for managing this threat and will contribute to the implementation of goal 6 of the new global biodiversity framework from Kunming to Montreal, where islands are mentioned as priority sites.invasions.

The full report will be published shortly.

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IPBES : created in 2012 and now comprising 143 member states, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an international group of biodiversity experts whose mission is to assist governments on biodiversity issues, under the aegis of the United Nations (UN). It is often referred to as the "IPCC of biodiversity".

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